Sunday, September 23, 2007

been a while...

Well hello blog world. Mike Watson is back after about 3 months of silence! Being how everyone's supporting me in seminary and the like, I figure I might as well get back to blogging as if I have something to say. Well I do have a thing or two to say and in today's world this is the best way to get it out there. More details to come soon but just so everyone knows what I'm up to:

I have just begun my first year of seminary at Union-PSCE in Richmond, VA. I finished up a thrilling 6.5 weeks of Hebrew School July-August. Currently I'm taking Old Testament I, Theology I, The Teaching Ministry of the Church, and Spiritual Formation. So far so good too! I absolutely love the process of exegesis, which is basically taking a part of scripture and learning ALL you can about it. For example, translating every word into all possible Hebrew/Greek meanings, the origin of the text, literary and historical context, etc. I am also working at Second Presbyterian Church in Richmond, VA as Youth Director. They are such an amazing group of youth! I think they'll teach me a thing or two over the next few years.

So basically I stay extremely busy. All the time. When I'm not reading or in class I'm doing something regarding my youth director job. Or I'm at a concert (we've got some good ones up here this year!). I think this is good for me. I need to stay busy doing things I love and reading things I love. Speaking of, I know there's a lot of hype about Shane Claiborne speaking at Collegiate Montreat. Seriously, read his book the Irrisitible Revolution. It'll change your life. Go buy it right now. I'll help you out: CLICK HERE! I'll discuss it on a blog at a later time. For now I must sleep, school tomorrow!

oh yeah, and please if you can give me some love in the form of comments. I'll do my best to do the same to your blog, I promise!

To close, here's the opening convocation speech given by our new president, Brian Blount. He's a phenomenal person and will do wonders for this school and the ministers that are being trained. He's brought a lot of energy to this campus and his preaching is incredible.


1 comment:

gray said...

I'm glad you're posting here again.

I've been processing what I think about this speech, the one you posted up at Ruach Retreat. Still unsure of what I think about it.

Peace, mano.