Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tables and Chairs

ok, I've been wanting to include THIS SONG for a while now. And tonight I believe was my moment to include it. The song is "Tables and Chairs" by Andrew Bird. Please check out the lyrics via the link above. I saw him in concert a week ago and he BLEW MY MIND. The man is a one person Orchestra plus whistling and a drummer who throws down some crazy drum beats. Their timing is impeccable and the wall of sound they produce takes you to another world. This song was the closer, and was quite fitting for the night. The song has overtones of a "new heaven and a new earth" where we are all feasting and living together in peace. Here are the last few lines to put things into context:

"i know we're going to meet some day
in the crumbled financial institutions of this land
there will be tables and chairs
there'll be pony rides and dancing bears
there'll even be a band
cause listen, after the fall there will be no more countries
no currencies at all, we're gonna live on our wits
we're gonna throw away survival kits,
trade butterfly-knives for adderal
and that's not all
ooh-ooh, there will be snacks there will
there will be snacks, there will be snacks."

Tables and chairs, no more countries or currencies, there will be snacks. This beautiful imagery paints quite a picture in your mind.

For some reason this came to my mind after having dinner tonight. I was invited to a "birthday dinner" with a Korean student here who goes by "Yoon." Our dinner entourage included 3 Ghanaians (Wilberforce, Gabriel, Eric), a student from India (Sani), and a student from Myanmar/Burma (Victor). And by Yoon's request, we dined at the fine international cuisine known as Golden Corral! We had a great time. And that's just it, we ate, laughed, shared. We have all been living together for a little over a month, yet we had yet to do something where we all just sit, chat, and eat! I really felt this to be a powerful moment of what the universal church is.

Amongst the stress of the looming Old Testament midterm, and basically upon realizing that all I really do around here is read, I had been recently thinking about/missing my opportunities for spending a year in travel and world experience. Yet, tonight I realized that not only will this time come, but I can have it here among the students around me!

Ok back to studying for the midterm on an extremely full belly.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

for some reason that makes me think of that old metaphor (is metaphor the right term?) for heaven and hell. It's a little simplistic, but anyways I thought of know, the one where heaven and hell are the same thing...everyone around a big banquet table and no one can bend their arms at the elbows (or the varition where your arms actually are the utensils)...anyways, in hell everyone's trying to feed themselves and can't...and in heaven they feed each other...

anyways, I thought of that, because sometimes, that's the little slice of heaven we need...sitting around a table, enjoying each other's company and not having to force ourselves to actively listen because we know we listening to each other because we want to listen to each other. It's's 'feeding' each other, fueling each other. We're being fed by one another's company. I guess that's where I see God sometimes.

Your post has refreshed me. Thanks Mike.